
Showing posts from May, 2019


it helps sell the movie because you get to be the characters and it has the same colors and same locations and sets

lego cast list

Will Arnett Batman / Bruce Wayne (voice) Elizabeth Banks Wyldstyle / Lucy (voice) Craig Berry Blake / Additional Voices (voice) Alison Brie Unikitty (voice) David Burrows Octan Robot / Additional Voices (voice) Anthony Daniels C-3PO (voice) Charlie Day Benny (voice) Amanda Farinos Mom (voice) Keith Ferguson Han Solo (voice) Will Ferrell Lord Business / President Business / The Man Upstairs (voice) Will Forte Abraham Lincoln (voice) (as Orville Forte) Dave Franco Wally (voice) Morgan Freeman Vitruvius (voice) Todd Hansen Gandalf / Additional Voices (voice) Jonah Hill Green Lantern (voice) Jake Johnson Barry (voice) Keegan-Michael Key Foreman Jim (voice) Kelly Lafferty Lord Business' Assistant (voice) Chris McKay Larry the Bari...

lego movie target audience

LO: to identify the target audience using demographics & psychographics the movie targets a family audience that could be split into the following three groups young kids who play with lego parents who played with lego when they were young young adult cinema goers appeals to both genders genres for girls: romance drama genre for boys: action sci fi audience profile age: all ages race:white location:England america social class: middle-lower classpersonality:good sense of humour values:traditional attitudes:positive interests:lego lifestyle:fun
How does the lego movie use intertextuality yo represent different people in the target audience? the lego movie uses intertextuality to represent different members of the family target audience. the film is rated U which connotates the primary target audience is younger children while the secondary audience is teens, parents and grandparents, children will enjoy  the lego movie because it is made out of lego and batman and ninja turtles and barbie and star wars. They wi11 enjoy the jokes the parenst will enjoy star wars and superheroes and other things they grew up with, it may spark childhood memories and they can enjoy the nostalgia. Conclusion: lego managed to get the copyrights to all of the characters but
intertextual lego matrix 1984 starbucks batman steve erwin barbie] lightning and filter milhouse michealanjelo nba gandalf reference