Tv Drama

 Exam unit introduction

Paper 1 section A

You will be given an unseen extract from a TV drama to watch and analyse.

You will be asked THREE questions about the extract and TWO about TV in general.

You could be asked about:

How MEDIA LANGUAGE has been used to create meaning

How the INDUSTRY has influenced the meaning

The AUDIENCE’s reaction to the extract



Publicly owned TV Channel

tv set up by the government and paid by us: the public

Commercial TV Channel

commercial tv channels are set up privately and make money by selling advertising time.


Putting different types of tevhnology in one 


When adult content is broadcasted usually late at night 

Segmented market

audience divided into sections depending on what they like



Licence from a company to trade under their name and use their logo etc

watching a channel for a short amount of time and switching continuesly 
regulations that channels have to meet to retain their license 

TV License
houses and businesses that watch tv have to pay a fee to be able to watch tv
deciding when to put on which show
a company which owns several other businesses

1. tv was first introduced to the uk in 1936
2. 3
3. itv started in 1955, first private channel in the uk
4. all of them?
5. ofcom
7. more channels now, most of the population have a tv, better quality shows.

television industries- ownership and regulation

BBCs 5 public purposes
To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them

To support learning for people of all ages

To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services

To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom

To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

BBCs mission
their mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".

And their values are
Trust is the foundation of the BBC. We’re independent, impartial and honest
We put audiences at the heart of everything we do
We respect each other and celebrate our diversity
We take pride in delivering quality and value for money
Creativity is the lifeblood of our organisation
We’re one BBC. Great things happen when we work together

A standard TV licence is currently £157.50

By the 1950s, many felt the “BBC represented a high-culture snobbery that many leftist associated with an oppressive class structure.”  There was a “desire for a playful, commercial, anti-citizen address as a counter.”   
This came along in 1955 in the shape of ITV. 
As a terrestrial broadcaster, it has a PSB remit to follow. ITV is a body made up of lots of smaller companies. It is non-profit.
Part of its PSB remit it to:
Broadcast items of national importance
Produce a variety of programmes for a wide audience
Produce accessible content

their family of channels consists of ITV main channel, which is the largest commercial channel in the UK, ITV2 and ITV3 - the two largest digital channels in the UK, ITV4, ITVBe, and CITV.

Our strategic vision is to be a digitally led media and entertainment company that creates and brings our brilliant content to audiences wherever, whenever and however they choose.

Itv also generates funds through shares as it is a public company therefore people anywhere ca invest in shares.

Conventions of police drama:

Using your knowledge of police dramas
also you may choose to watch some trailers for police dramas.
research appropriate police dramas.
what are the conventions of a police drama 
you could also compare two from different time periods eg life on mars 
record these notes and research on your blog 

characters: crime solver/detective 
friends of the character

usually the crime solver has a sidekick 
the narrative usually revolves around the detectives solving the crime 

Cuffs:series 1, episode 1
LO: to analyse the narratives and characters constructed in an opening episode.

Main characters: pc ryan draper pc jakes vickers ds jo might chief super robert vickers
DC:carl hawking         PC:          PC lino moretti
story lines:
setting: Brighton

Have a wide range of characters to identify with 
see characters such as ryan draper as role models 
the social realism offers a sense of informing the audience about police work and the criminal world.

can escape into the fictional world of a police team 
can build a personal relationship with a character, forgiving weakness and and admiring strength almost a substitute for real life interaction 
may enjoy discussing episodes 

Social interaction 
may feel like they are part of the team

Tv drama                                                                                                                              22 march 2021
characters & individual storylines 

PC Ryan draper: hard worker, worked hard to get to his job and is good at it he also has high morals as he tells his son to go back to school when he is skipping 
PC jake vickers: a liability, scared and not very experienced 
DC jo moffat : a strong manager but weak
chief super robert vickers: hitgh up and is very cold and calculated
DC carl: loud optimistic 
DC felix: quiet humble, ca;culated
PC Donna strong and equivalent to pc lino moretti  
PC lino funny comic relief character 

mental health: guy who cuts himself, not got much support shows a lack of funding for mental health 
Raid scene- dangerous situation dangerous people, dont listen to instructions, add tension as they break the rules, slow motion enphasise the danger close up on the weapons

 cuffs and social context                                                                                                     24 march 2021 
LO: to analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs.

at the beginning of the episode ryan draper is shown as a useless officer as thst is how police officers are usually seen as but the rest of the episode he is good and challenges that stereotype 

characters:pc ryan draper robert vickers
props costumes of stag do/ nudist beach sign 
character interaction police outnumbered 
dialogue: speech from vickers/ police radio 
stereotypes: pc ryan incompetent 
stag do drunk trouble makers and robert vickers responsible leaders.

changing attitudes: gender
stronger roles for women reflect gender equality

jo moffat joins in the raid at the party which shows she is strong but is also shown as week when she hesitates to lead the press conference after racist attacks. 

pc jake vickers - naive, inexperienced, weak, dedicated 
chief superintendent vickers: a more stereotypical representation of masculinity, he keeps the officers and detectives inline.
PC lino moretti: comical character, eating is a focus - as a joke, dedicated experienced respected.

robert vickers:authoratitive, stereotypical
jake vickers: strong, confident, emotional  anti stereotypical
lino moretti: omical, confrontational stereotyoical
carl hawkings: Aggressive: confrontational stereotypical
felix cane : calm, sensitive anti stereotypical
Ryan draper: determined and focused emotional and caring anti stereotypical.

LGBT characters: jake, solitors responsible and and successful secondary to their jobs is their sexuality
Jake vickers charater challenges the stereotypes of homosexuality being an issue.

many different races and cultures in this episode 
and there is also a racially motivated crime. and it shows that racism is bad because they are arrested 

 the avengers: the town of no return                                                                                    31st march 
lo: to explore the narrative, characters and appeal of series 4 episode 1

personal identity
could identify or empathise with the upper class role models
could exploren and or reinforce their own views & values could identify with the 'english gent'-- steed is a transitional james bond figure reliable, strong dependant 
reminds those who fought in ww2 as steed fought 
those who know someone who fought in ww2
mrs peel - married has a career, strong independant powerful, aspiration to the audience, new generation 

could gain information about the world of the upper class
could gain information about the world of espionage/spies
could feel reassured that there were highly capable agents from a foreign threat (despite pastiche element)

escape from the world enjoy the danger and repetitive each week

analysing an extract
LO to analyse the use of media language in a tv extract 


establishing shots: establishes context in scene
low angle: camera is low
high angle camera is high
canted angle: deliberately slanted for dramatic effect
aerial shots

notes: music seagulls ocean 

How has sound been used to create meaning?
These are the sounds i identified: the opening music was suspenseful and intriguing 
and the sounds of the beach contrasting with the suited man shows that he is not in the right place you would accosciate with

Theme music in the title credit is upbeat and modern but has a serious mysterious town to suggest a younger, dynamic tone and pace. sound has been used the extract to create meaning, 

How has sound been used to create meaning?
sound has been used to create meaning, the first example is Theme music in the title credit is upbeat and modern but has a serious mysterious tone to suggest a younger, dynamic tone and pace sound has been used the extract to create meaning. the music sounds mysterious and that suggests what genre the avengers is and helps familiarise the mystery and it would appeal to the 1960s audience 

state which social contexts are visible, cold war Threat of nuclear war, threat of foreign invasion, espionage

2. give an example of where those contexts are shown in the episode 
 foreign invasion is basically the whole episode story and it links to the real world worries at the time.
3 Describe the scene- refer for representation, media language (

Context - The avengers: the town of no return 
LO: to analyse representation 
How was gender represented in episode one 

mrs peele 

How was gender used to show the attitudes and values of the 1960s
media language- camera, sound, mise en scene, editing 
representation: how was ????? presented 
audience: who are they 

1. mrs peele is seen as a tough intelligent woman this is shown in the scene when she fights the enemies in the bunker with steed.

2.mrs peele is shown as a s

Anti stereotype : is when something goes against a stereotype
reactionary stereotype: when they act like the stereotype


How was gender represented in the avengers to reflect the attitudes and values of the 1960s?

Mise en scene 

How was gender represented in the avengers?

In the episode of avengers the character mrs peele is shown as a stronger woman compared to the usual stereotype in the 1960s, this is shown when she fights the enemies in the bunker and is able to beat them
she is also shown as successful and intelligent. But she also conforms to the stereotype for example she is sexualised at the start due to her clothing, she is wearing a tight leather cat suit and she is also beaten by steed in a sword fight, and furthermore she also follows steeds orders without question, similar to what would probably happen in the 1960s as  men were in charge at the time.

1 How has sound been used to create meaning 
in the scene where the robbers are smashing into the newsagents the music  creates a sense of danger and 

2 Analyse how far the extract from cuffs depicts the police's point of view rather than the criminals' point of view.

3How far does the extract try to create a sense that it is portraying "real life"?
in your answer analyse aspects of the extract,








  1. 8/3/21- Good start to your notes on your return to lessons, well done, keep up 100% effort.


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