star wars ep 3 case study

Film industry

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the film that i will be writing about is star wars episode 3, it is the final movie in the prequel trilogy and i recently watched it on disney+

it is written and directed by George Lucas
producers: George lucas and rick mcCallum
production companies: Lucasfilm
distributed by 20th century Fox
release date: may 15 2005
genre:science fiction/action
Main Actors: Hayden Christensen, Ewan Mcgregor Natalie Portman, Samuel L Jackson

Plot: the story starts towards the end of the clone wars(the reason it is named the clone wars is that the republics army is an army of clones)   Anakin Skywalker (hayden christensen) and Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) are sent on a mission to save Chancellor Palpatine ,the republics main politician and also secretly the sepratists leader, (the sepratists are a confederation of planets who do not like the republics laws and therefore have gone to war with them) chancellor palpatine is also secretly a sith lord, a sith is the enemy of the jedi and the jedi are the main peacekeepers of the galaxy, they also help the republic in war time (the galactic republic is the main political organization in the galaxy) throughout the trilogy Palpatine has been pulling the strings on both sides of the war to eventually lead to his ultimate goal of ruling the galaxy. chancellor palpatine has staged a kidnapping and placed himself on count dooku and general grievous's ship to lure anakin onto the ship to save him and begin his transformation from jedi to the sith by forcing anakin to decapitate dooku in their duel even though anakin had disarmed him, general grievous flees and anakin and obi wan land the ship on a coruscant runway (coruscant in the capital of the republic) that night anakin has a preminition of  Padme's (Natalie Portman's) death (padme is anakins wife in secret as the jedi do not allow attachment as the loss of a loved one can begin a road to the dark side ( the way of the sith)
the next morning anakin goes to grandmaster yoda for a sort of therapy session however anakin has to be vague with his words as love and commitment are not permitted to anything other than the jedi. after this palatine requests for anakin to go and see him in his office palpatine requests that anakin become his personal representative on the Jedi council ( the jedi council is a group of jedi masters, the highest rank in the jedi order, that lead the jedi) anakin agrees .but after he asks the jedi to become a master and join the council mace windu (Samuel L Jackson) denies his request to become a master as he does not trust him but he allows him to be on the council as long as he spies on palpatine  as the jedi do not trust him as a politician, they still have no clue he is a sith lord. palpatine finds out and uses this information to shake anakins faith in the jedi order he also tells anakin that he can save padme from dying with sith power and by doing this reveals to anakin that he is a sith lord anakin goes to mace windu and snitches on palpatine and mace windu goes to arrest him, at this point anakin is faced with a decision... side with the man who has never trusted him and disliked him his whole life or palpatine: a father figure to anakin as he never had one and also a great friend,he decides to save palpatine as just before mace is going to kill palpatine anakin shows up and cuts of maces arm and then palpatine kills him. Anakin then places his allegiance with palpatine and he is ordered to go and slaughter the entire jedi order with the clone army and then he is also instructed to go to the planet named mustafar and kill all of the separatist leaders at the same time palpatine is changing the republic to the galactic empire to solidify his role as emperor of the galaxy for the rest of his life the empire is the main political organisation in the original films except the empire is bad and the republic is good. padme heads to mustafar to try to bring anakin back to the jedi however she is unsuccessful as she is trailed by obi wan who is anakins best friend throughout the prequel trilogy and also his mentor, he has trained him since he was nine years old , anakin thinks that they have both betrayed him and he severely injures padme (ultimately causing her death in child birth just hours later)   he then duels obi wan with their lightsabers and in the end anakins arrogance is his demise as he opens himself up and one of his arms and 2 of his legs are cut off and he is scolded close to death as obi wan cannot bring himself to finish him later palpatine comes and puts him in darth vaders iconic suit which is essentially a life support suit. which ends the prequels and leads into episode four around 20 years later.
